Creative center, 19.3.2016.

Project: Children´s creative center – the place for prevention of gender violence 


Today´s workshop was titled “Happiness – another valuable from the calendar of the Let´s live values campaign”. Little things that I do which make me happy and which make other people happy were the discussed topics. At the end of this part of the workshop participants were assigned the task to do some little thing during the week which will make somebody happy and to share it with their peers at the next workshop.
Through questions such as ´what makes me happy as a boy and as a girl´ we identified the small things that we should change in order for others to be happy. It is part of learning about the gender equality program.
In the second part of the creative workshop the participants made paper butterflies greeting the coming of the spring, they danced crazy dance and drew their ´crazy´ portraits on the sidewalk.

Children´s laughter and noise echoed through the Youth center and the yard, and on the sidewalk there remained little ´crazy´ portraits as a remainder of another successful workshop for children in organizations of NGO “Alternative” Kakanj